Health Beyond Your Genes!

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all Solutions!

A groundbreaking tool that provides personalized insights into your well-being by decoding your hair’s story. This innovative approach helps uncover the root causes of your symptoms, empowering you to move beyond temporary solutions and optimize your health for lasting wellness

Unlock the Answers Your Body Has Been Seeking

Many people today face persistent, unexplained symptoms that often go unaddressed by conventional approaches. Fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, mood swings, and irregular cycles are just some of the challenges affecting individuals as young as 25.
Over 98% of our DNA sequence is encoded in every cell of the body and is influenced by signals from our environment—such as gut bacteria, hormones, toxins, and even cancer cells. These external factors, collectively known as epigenetics, play a significant role in shaping our overall wellness.
Modern living introduces countless influences that affect our health, from the foods we eat and the nutrients we absorb to environmental exposures at home and work. By understanding the interplay between these factors and your genetic blueprint, you can take control of your health and discover a path to true wellness.


Epi- means "above"

Tags above the DNA: like switches that Turns Genes On/Off for expression and genetic information.

Our Genome Is the Computer, and our Epigenome Is the Software!

Without changing DNA sequence, Epigenetic Modifications Regulate Gene Expression thus changing the way our cells look and perform.

Ghost In your Genes

Experts investigate how a mysterious "second genome" helps


Epigenome is * Flexible" and can be programmed with lifestyle modifications. External and Internal Environment such as diet, stress, toxins and lifestyle choices signals our cells to add or remove chemical tags on DNA, impacting how genes are tuned on or off.

Environmental Biomarkers
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Gut Support

How Dietary and Environmental Processes Contribute to the Development and Expression of Gastrointestinal Disorders: IBS, Reflux, Bloating, Chronic Constipation...

Immunity Booster

Constantly falling sick? Break free from genetic limitations and optimize your immunity by addressing your body’s unique nutrient needs. Discover how targeted solutions can strengthen your immune system while enhancing your body’s natural defenses.

Reverse Aging

Hair, skin, nail issues, and weight challenges linked to hormonal changes with aging can be frustrating and difficult to manage. Discover your cellular deficiencies and uncover personalized solutions to restore balance, supporting long-lasting youth, vitality, and overall well-being.

Mood Enhancement

Did you know there's a powerful link between your brain and gut? Unlock your brain's nutritional needs for a happier, healthier YOU! Addressing conditions like insomnia, chronic fatigue, mood swings, and anxiety, for enhanced mental well-being and vitality.

Benefits of Hair Epigenetic Analysis

Mental and Emotional Health

Highlight deficiencies that can contribute to stress, anxiety and depression, as well as exacerbate symptoms such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder..

Sport & Fitness Endurance

Optimize your Sport and fitness Endurance by understanding the epigenetic influences. Discover the primary indicators for Endurance Support and Muscle Recovery.

Immunity & Wellbeing

Optimize your Immunity & Wellbeing choices by understanding the epigenetic influences which will support better gene expression for your wellness.

Feel the Difference with Personalized Health Solutions!

What to Expect

take charge of your health in 3 easy steps.
Your test ships totally free
Receive Your Kit

Once your order is complete, you will receive your sample kit in 3-4 days.
Simply, follow instructions to collect few hair strands.

Send Sample to Our Lab

Send your hair sample to our lab for testing completely for free.

Receive Your Results + Full 1-1 Consultation

Receive your epigenetics results automatically via email within 3–4 days, and schedule a free consultation to discuss your report results and receive a fully personalized diet, nutrition plan, and supplement recommendations.

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